Best Potting Mix For All Your Indoor Houseplants

Best Potting Mix For All Your Indoor Houseplants


If you look around the internet, it doesn't take long to see that there are literally dozens of potting mix recipes that cater to houseplants, with many having 6-7 ingredients and more.

I like to keep it super simple. A good houseplant mix needs to do two things. First, it needs to be light and airy enough to deliver oxygen to your plants' root system. Secondly, it can't stay too moist for too long. If your pot isn't dry after 2 weeks, then you will likely need more aeration. Stale water is bad for plant roots.

This is my simple go-to houseplant soil recipe I use for all my houseplants. Of course there are exceptions. I don't use this for succulents or bog plants like carnivorous plants. These have different requirements and need a different recipe.

But for the overwhelming majority of your houseplants, just 3 ingredients + 1 superfood, in the right quantities, and watch your plants thrive. 

Download the PDF Recipe Card


2 parts good quality small-grade bark.

2 parts Coco-Coir

1 part Perlite

Fresh worm castings


Mix all ingredients together in a bowel or plastic tub, ensuring an even spread of worm castings throughout.

You're done! Its now time to pot up your plant and water thoroughly.


Hints and Tips

Bark of good quality will not fall apart and crumble in your fingers when you squeeze it. It will feel like a rock in your fingers, We use Kiwi bark at our nursery.

Perlite can be substituted with pumice of the same grade.

The amount of worm castings should be approximately 10% - 15% of the total mix.

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